Introduction This article describes how to set up a website with nginx and Let’s Encrypt HTTPS certificates on Ubuntu 20.04. I also describe how to make sure that the same website is served at The domain is a reserved domain name for use in illustrative examples in documents. and and that HTTP requests to the server’s IP-adress are redirected to The article is based on notes from when I set up this website on a Digital Ocean droplet.
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What Do I Put in My Profile
No, this is not about updating a Facebook or CV profile. This is about the .profile file and its friends like .bashrc on *nix systems. I admit that I still get confused about where to put my personal environment settings on a Linux machine. Nowadays I can always google for the answer, but I have now been overcome with a strong desire to try to sort it out and document it for my own sake once and for all.
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This post is the first in a series which I call “The flat earth posts”. In each post I discuss a commonly held truth which is a) untrue, b) hinders progress and c) causes unecessary work. Many organizations force their users to change their passwords every 3 months or according to some other regular schedule. This policy is based on old established security policy “wisdom” that has been around for a long time, and which is seldom questioned.
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